Enaid egwan paid ag ofni
F'enaid egwan paid ag ofni ('Dyw d'elynion ...)

(Buddugoliaeth trwy waed y groes)
Enaid egwan paid ag ofni,
  'Dyw d'elynion oll yn un,
Ond rhai eisioes wedi eu conc'ro,
  Gan a wisgodd natur dyn,
    Fe fyn weled, &c.
  Pob rhyw elyn dan fy nhraed.

Gwaed y groes sy'n codi i fynu,
  'R eiddil yn goncwerwr mawr,
Gwaed y groes sydd yn darostwng,
  Cawri cedyrn fyrdd i lawr,
    Gâd i'm deimlo, &c.
  Awel o Galfaria fryn.

Dechre canu, dechre canmol,
  Y'mhen mil o filoedd
Fy Iesu, bydd y pererinion,
  Hyfryd draw
      ar ben eu taith;
    Ni bydd diwedd, &c.
  Byth ar ganu iddo ef.

Yno câf fi dd'weyd yr hanes,
  Pa fodd y dringodd eiddil gwan,
Trwy afonydd, a thros greigiau,
  Dyrys anial serth i'r lann;
    Iesu ei hunan, &c.
  Gaiff y clod
      trwy eitha'r nef.

Ni bydd yno
    gofio beiau,
  Dim ond llawn faddeuant rhad,
Poenau'r groes a
      grym y cariad,
  A rhinweddau maith y gwaed;
    Darfu ofni, &c.
  Daeth llawenydd yn ei le.

- - - - -
F'enaid egwan, paid ag ofni, 'Dyw d'elynion oll yn un, Ond rhai eisioes wedi'u concro Gan a wisgodd natur dyn: Fe fyn weled Pob rhyw elyn dan fy nhraed. Ni all Satan a'i holl allu - Yspryd cyfrwys, mawr ei rym - Am ei fod o fewn y gadwyn, Heb ei genad, wneuthur dim: Hollalluog! Ydyw Enw mawr fy Nuw. Pa'm yr ofnaf feiau mawrion? Trymach ydyw marwol glwy', Mwy yw gair o enau f'Arglwydd, Na myrddiynau o honynt hwy: Gwna i mi gredu, Rhued môr, terfysged tir.
William Williams 1717-91

[mesur: 878747]

  Arglwydd cadarn bydd o'm hochr
  Dechreu canu dechreu canmol
  Gwaed y groes sy'n codi i fyny
  Mae fy meiau fel mynyddoedd (Ac ...)
  Nid oes yno gofio beiau
  Rhwng cymylau duon tywyll
  Trwy y niwl a'r tew gymylau
  Tyred hyfryd foreu tawel
  Wele'n dyfod ar y cwmwl (Mawr yw'r enw ...)

(Victory through the blood of the cross)
Weak soul, do not fear,
  Nought are all thy enemies as one,
But those already conquered,
  By him who wore man's nature,
    He insists on seeing, etc.
  Every kind of enemy under my feet.

The blood of the cross is raising up,
  The weak as a great conqueror,
The blood of the cross is humbling,
  A myriad strong giants down,
    Let me feel, etc.
  A breeze from Calvary hill.

Singing will begin, extolling will begin
  At the head of a thousand
        vast thousands,
My Jesus, the pilgrims shall be,
  Delightful yonder
      at the end of their journey;
    There will be no end, etc.
  Ever to the song unto him.

There may I get to tell the story,
  How climbed a feeble weak one,
Through rivers, and across rocks,
  Up through a troublesome desert steep;
    Jesus himself, etc.
  Shall get the acclaim
      throughout the utmost heaven.

There shall not be there
    any remembering of faults,
  Only full forgiveness, free,
The pains of the cross and
      the force of love,
  And the vast merits of the blood;
    Fearing shall vanish, etc.
  Joy shall come in its place.

- - - - -
My weak soul, do not fear, All thy enemies are nothing, But those already conquered By him who wore man's nature: He insists on seeing Every kind of enemy under my feet. Satan cannot with all his power - A wily spirit, great his force - Since he is within the chain, Without his emissary, do anything: Almighty! Is the great Name of my God. Why shall I fear great faults? More weighty is a mortal wound, Greater is a word from my Lord's mouth, Than myriads of them: Make me believe, Let the sea roar, let the land be in tumult.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

But begun will be the singing
  Unto Jesus round
        His throne,
By the saved when tardy ages
  With their songs
      and joys are flown:
    And for ever,
  Shall the golden harps resound.

There shall I rehearse the story,
  How a weakling faint and worn,
Was o'er rocks and through deep waters,
  To eternal glory borne:
    Jesus wholly,
  Shall absorb the
      songs of heaven.
Favourite Welsh Hymns, Joseph Morris, 1854.
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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